Topic: Steps to make an application for the Android system

Steps to make an application for the Android system

The Android operating system is one of the most popular operating systems for smartphones, but the process of programming and developing applications for it is a difficult process with foundations and rules that programmers must know and work with

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The Android application programming process revolves around a number of steps, namely: Installing Eclipse on the computer, which is a program that contains programming tools, and developing applications related to Android, and the Java Development Kit must also be installed.

Download the Android SDK, an application building software for the Android system. Start creating the application, by filling in the details for the application, and the SDK version on which to run the program.

Start creating and programming the required application according to the principles and programming rules, and it is possible to specify the specifications of the devices that will work on it. Run the program, and test it. Take the necessary procedures to spread the program in the market.

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Steps to make an application for iPhone

IPhone-type smartphones work on an operating system called ios, so the application to be created must adapt to the operating system, and the steps of making the application begin with good planning of the application, and trying to make it distinct from other applications

Even if you find other applications in the same field, and the programmer must be familiar with all programming rules, to ensure the success of the application, then the following steps are followed: Create an account on the Apple iPhone Developer, to become one of the programmers and developers.

Install the iPhone SDK, which must be of the latest version. Start designing and programming the application, which requires the availability of expertise, and the necessary skill for that. Run the program and try it, to get it ready to be put on the market. Submit the program to the Apple App Store for deployment.

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Pros and cons of the applications

The applications show many pros and cons, the most important of which are the following: Pros: applications in general provide ease of handling, providing a number of options and notifications that make the user feel comfortable during use, and it can also be run without the need to connect to the Internet.

The negatives: The different operating systems of smart devices make it necessary for the programmer to design a single application in more than one way, to suit the operating system, and this leads to more material spending for each application.

يُمكن لمُستخدمي الإنترنت استغلال مهاراتهم الكتابيّة في العمل وكسب المال؛ من خلال كتابة وإنشاء المقالات، أو الكتابة في مدوّنة ونشر المُشاركات فيها، مقابل الحصول على مردود مالي، ويُمكن الكتابة في مواضيع مختلفة ومتنوّعة حسب اهتمامات الكاتب واطّلاعه، بشرط أن تكون المقالات والمُشاركات ذات جودة عالية، ومُحتوى جاذب للقرّاء

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تنفيذ المهام المختلفة يُمكن لمالكي الهواتف المحمولة المتصلين بشبكة الإنترنت جني الأرباح من خلال تحميل بعض التطبيقات التي تُتيح تنفيذ مهام مختلفة مقابل مبلغ ماليّ؛ مثل توصيل المنتجات، أو التقاط الصور، أو مشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو، أو لعب ألعاب الفيديو، أو الدردشة في غرف المحادثة أو تجريب بعض التطبيقات الجديدة، ثمّ يتم تحويل الأموال إلى المُستخدمين من خلال حساب باي بال (Paybal)، أو التحويل المباشر للحساب البنكي، أو إعطاء بطاقات الهدايا، وفيما يأتي بعض الأمثلة على هذه التطبيقات:[٣] تطبيق (GigWalk). تطبيق (Field Agent). تطبيق (EasyShift). تطبيق ( Shopkick). تطبيق (CheckPoints). تطبيق (SwagBucks).