Topic: disease that may come with "second hand clothes"   

Who likes second-hand clothes? may have to read it first Because second-hand clothes are of good quality at affordable prices. May be hidden with unforeseen bodily harm

disease that may come with "second hand clothes"
Itching is a skin rash.
Of course, it is reputed to be second-hand clothes. The previous owner may have some germs that we are not aware of. including dust, dust mites, various impurities Even if we only try on clothes for a moment But it may cause itching. or a rash Itching and rash may only occur in some people. or the symptoms in each person are different

respiratory disease
Second-hand clothes are at risk of having a lot of dust. a cloth dust and dust from transportation These dusts can harm your respiratory system. especially those who have underlying respiratory disease may be more dangerous than others

Fungal ringworm
Ringworm ringworm is a contagious skin disease. If there is mold from the previous owner on second-hand clothes as well. Wearing clothes directly from him can cause us to be infected with these diseases as well.

carrier skin disease
In addition to the fungus There are also vector-borne skin diseases such as mites, ticks, fleas, and loneliness that may be found on second-hand clothes as well.

cleaning method “Second-hand clothes” for safe wearing
Wash with clean water, detergent or laundry detergent.
Soaking in hot water 60 degrees Celsius for 20-60 minutes will help get rid of scabies. Lice that can be caught
Dry in the sun until the clothes are completely dry.
Iron the garment inside. and outside with heat again before wearing
If you wear it and have a rash try not to get old If in doubt, you need to consult a dermatologist to diagnose the disease and get the right treatment.

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Re: disease that may come with "second hand clothes"

He's so bad but he does it so well