Topic: Bipolar, what you may be misunderstanding about this disease.     

bipolar disorder Or in English called Bipolar Disorder, the research found. People are approximately 1% more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder. Having an understanding of the disorder may be helpful in preventing and caring for those around you who are at risk or suspected to have it. bipolar disorder As its name implies, there are two distinct traits of mood and behavior change.

Depressive episodes lasting at least 2 weeks (Details in the article Depression)
looks like a bustling bustling called mania (Mania or Manic episode)
People with bipolar disorder have periodic changes in their moods.

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This period is a week. Not an hour or two.
It may be of a depressive nature. This was followed by a "normal" moment. Well, the same person he was. Then mania symptoms may occur.
by bipolar disorder There must be a manic phase, but may or may not have a depressive episode.
Some people show signs of depression first. later showed symptoms of mania The diagnosis was therefore changed from depression. have bipolar disorder
Most of them will show more symptoms of depression first.
The main symptom is "too much." Thoughts, confidence, and speaking are "overflowing" (where it wasn't before), but it often doesn't produce good results. because it comes from a turbulent brain