Topic: What kind of mask do I need now?

What kind of mask do I need now?

We’ve been getting this question a lot as we head back to campus for the beginning of the fall semester, some of us for the first time in almost 18 months. The MIT community has a vaccination rate of nearly 98 percent, regularly tests everyone who accesses campus, and requires face coverings indoors. But the prevalence of the highly transmissible Delta variant and the increased possibility of breakthrough infections, however uncommon, have many us looking for more specific guidance on choosing an appropriate face covering.To get more news about dustproof mask factory outlet, you can visit official website.

When it comes to cloth masks, the CDC’s recommendations have not changed. They continue to suggest choosing a mask with two or more layers of tightly woven, breathable fabric that fits snuggly, completely covers your nose and mouth, and includes an adjustable nose wire to keep air from leaking out of the top.

However, the results of a recently published, real-world study that provided free masks to more than 178,000 rural villagers in Bangladesh suggest that well-fitted surgical masks may be more effective than similarly well-fitting, multi-layer, cloth face coverings. Although the overall infection rate in the country was low at the time, villages where residents were provided with free masks showed reduced levels of viral spread compared to similar villages where no masks had been distributed. But the protective effect of masks was greater in villages where surgical masks were in use, compared with villages using cloth masks.

New CDC recommendations, issued last week, provide a more nuanced view of mask choice than earlier guidance. The new guidance includes a video tutorial on improving the fit of inexpensive, disposable surgical masks (available to MIT departments, labs, and centers through the online MIT COVID-19 store). It also includes considerations for the use of medical-grade N95 respirators in certain non-healthcare settings, something the agency had previously advised against. When worn correctly, an N95 forms a tight seal on the wearer’s face and blocks out at least 95 percent of small airborne particles.

“Speaking from personal experience,” says Medical Director Cecilia Stuopis, “I can tell you that a properly fitted N95 is very uncomfortable. Even with the Delta variant, an N95 will still be overkill for most people in most situations.” This is especially true, she explains, in an environment like MIT where people are tested regularly, the positive-test rate is low, and the vaccination rate is incredibly high.

“Back in February, when we were beginning to talk about the emergence of new variants and the possible need for higher-filtration masks, very few people were vaccinated,” Stuopis notes. “But now, if you are vaccinated and wearing a well-fitting, multi-layer fabric or surgical mask, you are very likely to be well protected in most situations.”

But when might you need a higher level of protection? “It comes down to individual risk and situational factors,” Stuopis says. “People who are immunocompromised or otherwise more vulnerable due to other medical conditions or age, should exercise additional caution, even if they are vaccinated. You should also take extra precautions if you are a vaccinated individual who has regular close contact with individuals who are vulnerable, including children who are too young to be vaccinated themselves, or if you’re caring for someone who is sick.” The CDC also recommends that people consider additional protection when using public transportation or working at a job that involves interaction with large numbers of the public, especially when public mask use is inconsistent.