Topic: Quotes that inspire you

Quotes are often short sentences that are used to summarize the speaker's message. They make up a large percentage of what is on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram, but they are also used in everyday life.  Many people share quotes that they find inspiring or motivational, while others use them for entertainment. Regardless of the purpose, many people find words of encouragement to be an insightful way to keep their minds entertained while scrolling through their timelines.

A quote is a written or spoken phrase made memorable by virtue of its association with someone notable. The quotable, meaningful sayings of famous people are often quoted in contexts other than the one in which they originally occurred.

Strong women Quotes can be used to demonstrate expertise, skepticism, emotion, and even cynicism for something that has been deemed to be true by society. People can quote quotes to make an argument about their views on the world.

Quotes are used in speeches, articles, blogs, or just about anywhere to express an idea. Quotes are often used when something needs to be said but the author does not want to say it themselves. There are many types of quotes that can be used depending on the context of the situation.
Some quotes are used for inspiration while others may have more of a negative tone.