Topic: Gantry crane and overhead crane for material handling in steel plant,

On the 22th June, it has been 5 days in Bangladesh. The first set of gantry crane has been set up and has been tested successfully. Since everything is well prepared and everything is going according to crane installation schedule, Oscar Li is able to pay an after-sales return visit to the steel tube manufacturing workshop of the Bangladesh customer.

In the steel tube factory, Dongqi Crane has designed a complete set of material handling solution from the raw material handling to the finish products handling. Based on the statics, material handling requirements, and the application conditions, Dongqi crane manufacturer designed the following gantry crane for the raw material handling outdoors and the overhead cranes for material handling inside the workshops.

Gantry crane for raw material handling
Gantry crane is the first choice for material handling outdoors, which has the runway located on the ground where the overhead crane is not practical.
Comparing with overhead crane system, the gantry crane material handling system is more cost-effective. Gantry crane has a wider application, which can be used indoors and outdoors. Gantry crane be used inside the existing workshop where the building structure can not support the wheel load of overhead crane. Gantry crane also can be used when the loads needs to be handled outside the crane span and when the relocation of the lifting crane is required after the work at a certain site is completed.

gantry crane for raw material handling

Gantry crane for raw material handling for steel tube production

Inside steel tube production workshop
The steel tube production workshop is very large. During our visiting, the workers are busy with their work. Do remember last time, we cooperated together to installation gantry crane and overhead crane together. It was really a good time. Smile and take a photo to remember the moment.

Old friends Bangladesh

Meet old friends in the steel tube manufacturing workshop

Overhead crane for finished steel tube product handing
Overhead cranes are one of the most frequently used material handling equipment. In a steel tube production workshop, there are 3 sets of overhead crane are used, which will largely improves the steel tube efficiency, saving energy and time.

Overhead crane used in steel tube workshop

Overhead crane used in finished product workshop

Overhead crane used for steel tubes handling

Overhead crane used for steel tubes handling

The Bangladesh customer is very satisfied with our gantry crane, overhead crane and crane services. Dongqi Crane is very happy we can help customers to solve material handling problems.
If you are interested in the overhead crane and gantry, please call Oscar Li at 01991504984 in Bangladesh. If necessary, we can arrange you to visit the steel tube workshop to see the performances of the gantry cranes and overhead cranes. If you are in want of overhead crane or gantry crane, Oscar Li can visit you workshop or factory to give you onsite consultation in Bangladesh before the 10th of July.

Gantry crane and overhead crane for material handling in steel plant, Bangladesh Dairy