Topic: How to protect water from leaks
How to protect water from leaks
One of the main causes of water waste is the presence of water leaks in the various buildings, which create many problems that cannot be controlled by regular methods and require professional interventions to get rid of these water leaks, especially if they are internal.
Early intervention in cases of water leaks is one of the most effective methods that help reduce the great consequences of water leaks that threaten buildings and directly threaten their foundation. It must also be noted that these water leaks, some of which can be easily controlled and solved. And some of them take a lot of time to discover after the occurrence of many damages inside the walls and walls
The internal wall leaks are the ones that can be detected by noticing some of the damages that exist on the outer walls of paint and cracks resulting from these leaks and can be treated easily by resorting to specialists and the use of the necessary equipment that helps to discover these leaks easily, either in the case of external leaks. It can be disposed of by plumbing professionals by replacing or maintaining external faults with water connections or water taps.
Therefore, it is necessary to rely on some steps and methods that help to preserve water from leaks and to preserve the various buildings and protect them from these damages, including:
Early intervention in detecting water leaks:
The sooner water leaks are discovered, the less chances are of reducing the size of the damage to buildings, because there are many problems that may result from water leaks inside the walls that directly harm them, the internal structure and concrete of them, and work to reduce their durability. And its stability, as it greatly affects the exterior appearance of the walls, due to the presence of moisture in them, which works to spread unpleasant odors and other damages that cause a lot of inconvenience to your building companions
As we mentioned before, internal leaks may not be felt until after a lot of damage appears on the walls, and this is what makes the detection of water leakage quickly causing a lot of damage to the building.
It is necessary to go to those with experience in these matters and solve them very quickly before they affect the buildings significantly, which may appear in them to an extent that exposes them to fall
Periodic maintenance of buildings and detection of water leaks by modern methods:
There are some modern technologies that have appeared recently, which can easily discover the places of water leaks through some distinguished devices that work to identify and direct the technician to know the location of the water leak with ease, unlike the techniques that were used in the past and that used a lot of cracking and sabotage Inside walls and walls to know the locations of water leaks
Other than that, the buildings that depend on large numbers of sewage and drainage users, it is necessary to use continuous maintenance and contracting with companies specialized in these fields in order to protect the drainage network, whose damage may cause water leaks easily.
Some buildings such as hospitals, companies, institutions, schools, restaurants and others cause great pressure on the sewage network, which makes it necessary to perform periodic maintenance on the drainage pipes and water connections, and to ensure their safety and not to damage them with frequent use شركة صيانة عامة
Waterproofing helps a lot in reducing the damage caused by water leaks
The waterproofing may cause the protection of different buildings from the problems of water leaks, because the waterproofing layer is a layer made of materials that have a great ability to isolate that water on the ceilings and walls that we insulate, and the problem of water leakage in the tanks can also be avoided by isolating them Also, in order to avoid any damage that may result from cracks and pores that exist in the tanks, which may cause a lot of damage, either to the buildings or to the water we use.
Given the importance of waterproofing in preserving water from water leaks and also preserving buildings and the damage they are exposed to, it is necessary to choose a company that specializes in insulation in order to ensure the use of good and environmentally friendly materials that do not harm when used.
Waterproofing can be used to avoid damage caused by water leaks, not only in buildings, but also in tanks, swimming pools, artificial lakes, plantation rooms, etc., which work to protect them for long periods and reduce the consequences of water leaks that we have previously explained in the previous paragraphs.
Use of good materials in the drainage network:
There are many factors that affect the emergence of water leaks, the most important of which is the use of poorly made raw materials such as sewage pipes, water taps, basins, water connections, etc., which are quickly exposed to damage and cause a lot of inconvenience and great damage.
Some things must be taken into account when constructing different buildings, including choosing drainage pipes of sizes commensurate with the volume of consumption, as well as cooperation with specialized technicians in order to properly install the drainage network so that it reduces the chance of exposure to water leaks
Avoid draining clogs, which greatly affect the occurrence of water leaks
One of the main reasons for the emergence of water leaks is the blockage of sewers. Care must be taken to clear them and seek help from specialists to get rid of that problem easily that exposes the entire building to danger due to the water leakage by avoiding the wrong habits that cause a lot of damage to the drainage network, which in turn affects it.
Therefore, it is necessary to avoid some habits that may lead to a clogging of the sewers, for example, placing paper tissues in the toilet, as well as avoiding leaving fats in the sinks that work to clog them, as well as avoiding planting seeds at all.
إذا وجدت ماء يقطر من انتفاخات أو تغير في لون السقف ، فمن المحتمل أن الماء يتجمع على الجانب الآخر من ذلك الانتفاخ أو البقعة المظلمة. أمسك دلوًا أو سلة مهملات أو أي حاوية أخرى وضعها تحت موقع التنقيط أو التسريب المشتبه به. قد ترغب أيضًا في التفكير في دعم لوح داخل الحاوية حتى تصطدم القطرات باللوحة وليس الماء المتراكم. سيؤدي ذلك إلى تقليل صوت التنقيط المتكرر.
بعد ذلك ، خذ مفكًا قديمًا ، وحدد مركز الانتفاخ حيث يتراكم الماء وثقبه في المنتصف مباشرةً. على الرغم من أنه قد يبدو من الغريب إحداث ثقب في السقف لإيقاف التسرب ، فإن الفتحة الجديدة ستسمح للماء بالتصريف بسلاسة وتخفيف الضغط عن باقي السقف. إذا تراكمت المياه وتجمعت ، فقد ينهار السقف بأكمله.
قم بتنزيل دليل كيفية إصلاح تسرب السقف خطوة بخطوة
إذا كنت واثقًا من أنك تعرف مصدر التسريب ويمكنك الوصول بأمان إلى المصدر ، فقم بتغطية السطح الخارجي بقطعة قماش كبيرة. إذا لم تتمكن من الوصول إليه ، أو شعرت بعدم الأمان عند القيام بذلك ، فمن الأفضل الاتصال على الفور بأخصائي الأسقف. تقدم العديد من شركات الأسقف ذات المصداقية خدمات التعتيم في حالات الطوارئ. كما تعلم بالفعل ، لسوء الحظ ، إذا كان سقفك يتسرب بشكل نشط بسبب الطقس ، فلا يمكن لمتخصص الأسقف إصلاح التسرب حتى يتوقف هذا الطقس. ستعمل خدمة التزيين كإصلاح مؤقت لتقليل الضرر داخل منزلك حتى يتمكن السقوف من حل المشكلة.
سيقوم أخصائي الأسقف ذو الخبرة بفحص السقف الخاص بك من السطح الخارجي للسقف نفسه وكذلك من الداخل من منزلك ، عادةً من خلال العلية. يمكن أن يظهر فحص الجانب السفلي من ألواح السقف علامات تلف المياه ، ولكنها ليست طريقة مضمونة ، لذا يلزم فحص السقف بحثًا عن التلف أيضًا.
مخاطر الانتظار
من المهم التصرف بسرعة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتسريب السقف. الأسطح المتسربة لا تصلح نفسها أبدًا أو تتحسن من تلقاء نفسها. حتى لو لم يكن التسرب سيئًا بعد. احصل عليها ثابتة الآن. غالبًا ما نسمع من مالكي المنازل أنهم لاحظوا وجود بقعة على سقف منازلهم أو ربما بعض الفقاعات للحظة ولكنهم اعتقدوا أنها ليست خطيرة. لن يؤدي التجنب والتجاهل إلى إصلاح التسرب في سقف منزلك. مرات عديدة بحلول الوقت الذي تلاحظ فيه ضررًا داخل منزلك يكون قد فات الأوان بالفعل. توصي الرابطة الوطنية لمقاولي الأسقف بفحص السطح مرتين في السنة ، في الخريف والربيع. إليك ما تبحث عنه لمنع تحول مشكلة قابلة للإصلاح إلى إصلاح ضار ومكلف