Topic: Tips for "training the brain" to increase the ability to remember.
There are many different ways to develop the brain. Whether you're a college student trying to remember more lessons, or a professional looking to improve yourself. especially mental Because the brain is like the body that can be trained. And it's important that you have a healthy body. And have good mental health at the same time. Let's take a look at some ways to improve our memory. Plus, these tips are not too difficult to try.
1. Meditate
Meditation has been proven to make you more focused. increase creativity It will also improve your ability to remember and learn. People who meditate regularly tend to have thicker cerebral cortex and better senses. These two parts help us remember things. be effective and have good mental health
2. Practice memorizing new information.
Thinking is an exercise for the brain and mind. Try to remember something new every day, whether it's an inspirational quote. phone number historical facts or even the lyrics and try to remember those things Test yourself to see if you can remember things. This kind of practice can be a waste of time. But you will find that it really improves your memory.
3. Doing a new activity over and over again.
When you try something new over and over again Your brain will start to come up with ways that will make you do those things faster. Don't misunderstand that new activities It must always be something that changes your life. Sometimes you can start with something small, like learning a language you've never learned before. or a computer game book, etc.
4. Learn new skills
doing meaningful activities or that target has been proven to help develop the nervous system. increase the ability to remember and reduce stress So you should choose activities and skills that are really useful to you.
5. Listen or play music
It was discovered that playing Or listening to music improves the ability to remember better. Playing an instrument will reorganize your brain. As for listening to music, it may not be very effective. But the process is still going on behind the scenes.
6. Connect with as many senses as possible
Connect the information you receive with as many senses as possible. whether it be hearing, smell, taste, sight and touch Even if you are someone who is good at learning visually. But trying to say out loud what you want to remember It will help you remember that as well. The more you use your senses to learn. It will help you remember things. only more efficiently
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