JW & Associates USA, LLC was initially formed to provide comprehensive Business Development Services. Our specialty today is Construction Consulting, Structural Cement Sales, Teaching Structural Solution Applications and continuing development for “NoDig” Sub-Surface Infrastructure solutions. Our Spin Cast application procedure on horizontal pipe has been around about ten years, which in terms of rehabilitation methods still has this approach relatively new to the culvert relining industry. That fact has presented a phenomenal opportunity with our Business Development background to play a major role in the Global introduction of (CCCP) Centrifugally Cast Concrete Pipe and now nationally with our in-house designed equipment, structural materials and procedures consulting. Educating government and private sector engineers of known attributes, along with building contractor relationships has been rewarding. Our early involvement with High-Strength Cement Culvert Renewal opened the door to develop industry specifications, application equipment, technical procedures and first time solutions for compromised structure. (See Box Culvert Structural Renewal). Adding a Construction Division to the business development services brought a General Contractor aboard and thirty years of additional experience in construction and site development. Our combination of consulting and performing applicators give us a unique platform to offer field proven equipment. We quickly identify technology improvements that enables us to offer the most advanced Spin Casting equipment available, all designed and custom fabricated in-house. Our goal is to offer the most reliable systems in the industry, along with being user friendly for quick, easy field assembly, combined with fool-proof operation.