Topic: Why Children Are More Infected ( Covid-19)

Hi Everyone!
Almost 6 months into the pandemic, accumulating evidence and collective experience argue that children, particularly school-aged children, are more infected than adults. Therefore, serious consideration should be paid toward strategies that allow schools to remain open, even during periods of COVID-19 spread. In doing so, we could minimize the potentially profound adverse social, developmental, and health costs that our children will continue to suffer until an effective treatment or vaccine can be developed and distributed or, failing that until we reach herd immunity.
Public health is supposed to be about balancing risks and benefits and choosing interventions that will provide a net overall benefit. Hybrid schooling is not a public health measure. It’s just another expensive charade.Please take proper precaution measurements to save individually and other lives.In here ( ) You easily get your safety boxes.All Personal Protective Equipments are approved by Health Canada.
Face coverings for children:
Children 5 years of age and under are not required to wear a face shield or face-covering in a child care setting.
Children who are under the age of 2 years, or children who are sleeping, unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering or face shield without assistance; or who cannot tolerate a shield or cover due to a developmental, medical, or behavioral health condition must not wear a face covering or face shield.
Children age 2 through 5 years who can reliably wear a face covering or face shield in compliance with CDC guidance on How to Wear Cloth Face Coverings may do so. This means they can wear it without frequently touching or removing it.

Be Safe and Healthy.

Re: Why Children Are More Infected ( Covid-19)

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Re: Why Children Are More Infected ( Covid-19)

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