Topic: Mobile application design
Mobile application design service
The design of mobile applications has recently spread widely and different types and forms of mobile applications that depend on different systems such as Android systems and IOS systems for the iPhone and the reason for this great spread is that most of the Internet users have become connected to the web by using mobile phones or mobile smartphones and thus companies have become And the sites that rely on providing their services or selling or offering and selling their products on the Internet to view the matter as a technological development, and therefore most of the owners of companies, institutions or sites have turned to the easiest way to return to communication with Internet users faster and better, which is by creating and programming their own applications.
Mobile application design
If you are a company owner or have a special project idea, you will need a mobile application design and programming service in order to obtain an application for your company or project in order to be able to communicate with your customers faster, as well as to facilitate the process of communicating with you or with your product or service for which you created the application. Designing mobile applications is a process aimed primarily at customer convenience, as 70% of Internet users connect to the network through their mobile phones.
Mobile app design prices
If your first question is what is the price of designing mobile applications, then that means your search for the lowest prices in the market, and this will not help you much, as you may get an application that is not commensurate with your point of view or has major technical problems, as the prices for designing applications will not be determined before your idea is completely clear. Different due to the features that you need in your application, the WhatsApp application cannot be like the Truecaller application, they differ in the characteristics as well as in the prices, so I do not advise you to search for the lowest price company, but you should look for someone who can meet your requests and achieve your goal of designing a professional application.
Mobile application programming
If you want to get a mobile application programming service in a professional manner that achieves your goals of programming this application then you must deal with an application design company that is distinguished by its ability to achieve any programming idea and also has a working team for designing mobile applications with an elegant and professional manner not like other application design companies Other mobile phones, and since you are reading this service article, if I think pioneers solutions for software solutions and integrated web services are one of your choices, then you should know what Pioneers will offer you in the mobile app programming and mobile app design service.
Languages used in application programming for pioneers solutions
Programming language "Java": It is the first language of programming languages preferred by all Android application developers around the world. Doing Android application programming.
Android Studio: the best integrated development environment for developing and designing Android applications that makes it easier for developers to write the source code for Android applications, and allows the developer to preview the appearance of his application on various screen sizes in real time during development, and facilitate the development of multilingual applications.
Swift: It is the official language that invaded the Apple system, as it takes into account the use of Apple's latest APIs. But despite it being a language that was created to work alongside Objective-C, Apple is preparing this language to be in the future the primary language for iOS programmers, as it relieves developers of security vulnerabilities, currently SWIFT is considered a future language of the giant Apple.
Xcode: It is an integrated environment for developing iOS applications and includes all the tools to create amazing applications for all Apple platforms.
XML: It is used in the design of Android applications by the responsible designer.
Things must be cleared up before
لغة البرمجة " جافا " : هي اللغة الاولى من لغات البرمجة التي يفضلها كافة مطورين تطبيقات الاندرويد حول العالم فهي تتميز بالمرونة ولكن يمكنك إستخدامها فقط في تطوير تطبيقات الأندرويد ولن تسعفك جيداً في تطبيقات الـ IOS ولكن نعتمد عليها في شركة pioneers solutions فور إعتماد كبير في حالة القيام بـ برمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد.
Android Studio : أفضل بيئة تطوير متكاملة لتطوير وتصميم تطبيقات اندرويد تسهل على المطورين كتابة الشفرة المصدرية لتطبيقات أندرويد، كما تسمح للمطور بمعاينة هيئة تطبيقه على مختلف قياسات الشاشات بشكل فوري أثناء التطوير، وتسهّل تطوير التطبيقات متعددة اللغات.
Swift : هي اللغة الرسمية قامت بغزو نظام ابل فهي تراعي استخدام اخر واجهة برمجة التطبقات API الخاصة بأبل. لكن بالرغم من كونها لغة انشئت لتعمل جنبا الى جنب مع لغة Objective-C الى ان شركة ابل تعد هذه اللغة لتكون مستقبلا اللغة الاساسية لمبرمجي iOS كما انها تعفي المطورين من الثغرات الأمنية, حاليا تعتبر السويفت لغة مستقبل بنسبة للعملاق ابل.
Xcode : تعتبر بيئة متكاملة لتطوير تطبيقات ios ويتضمن كل الادوات لإنشاء تطبيقات مذهلة لجميع منصات Apple.
XML : تستخدم في تصميم تطبيقات الأندرويد عن طريق الديزاينر المسئول عن ذلك.
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