Topic: Look at the new features that Facebook is doing, which is Clubhouse.       

After a new social app that suddenly became popular That is, the clubhouse (Clubhouse) until many platforms have made their own. For example, Twitter has a Spaces feature that works the same way as a clubhouse. Earlier this year, Facebook was reported to be developing this feature as well.

Recently Alessandro Paluzzi, developer and engineer, has done reverse engineering to find some features in the code on the Android version of the app. Broadcasting (Live Audio) currently in development. It is not yet open to users.

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By this audio broadcast feature It will be one of the previous Room feature options that allow people to create rooms to chat in either video or audio, which debuted in May of last year with the voice broadcast feature. This will allow users to broadcast voice chat in the room to the public. Users can also share this broadcasting room with a link. Or share it as a post on Facebook as well

In the face of the voice broadcast feature A profile picture will be displayed along with the name of the user. And the audience's impression that is followed by the speaker will be fragmented. Same as clubhouse

Users can access other people's features or broadcast rooms directly from the Facebook app. Can indent the eyes of the broadcast room to continue playing on Facebook. It will be displayed as room name, number of speakers and number of listeners. In the bottom bar It's like a clubhouse as well.

However This feature is not yet available. Yong is just a development of the appearance only. But expect this feature to be released for us to use soon

Re: Look at the new features that Facebook is doing, which is Clubhouse.

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