Topic: Wanna Auto Likes for Your Facebook? Here’re Steps to Help!
Everyone likes getting as many likes as possible on Facebook photos, videos and status updates. But getting several likes may take more than just posting a cute photo or an inspiring status. This explains why a lot of Facebook users turn to the auto like generator for getting many likes on their posts. If you have always wanted to learn how to give or get auto like on Facebook, this article is for you.
How to Get Auto Likes on Facebook
Here is a detailed guide on how to make auto like on Facebook. Follow the following procedure step by step to get auto likes and also be cautious about the potential risks that may happen.
Steps to Add Auto Likes to Your Facebook
Step 1:
All you need to do is, go to the account settings of your Facebook page and let everyone follow you!
Alternatively, you can visit this link:
Step 2:
Scroll to your privacy settings and select Public on who can see my stuff? and select everyone on whom can send you friend request?
Alternatively, you can visit this link:
NB: Make sure you follow the steps outlined above, they are very mandatory!
Choose to either upload Image/video or update your Facebook status.
NB: This should be shared to the public.
Step 4:
Visit any of the sites listed below and click Get Token! Here is the example found on website.
For every site, the procedure remains the same. To get the token, click on the Get Token Icon.
They will then ask for permission to our site, click on allow and then on get token. All you have to do is copy the token you find between # access token= and & expires.
In the token highlighted above, get the token copied, pasted and then hit the Submit button.
Step 5:
Remember the Facebook status you updated in step 3. Return to that status to get its ID.
One ID is often generated anytime you like, comment on or share any status. To find that ID, click on the time.
For instance, I clicked on 4 minutes when I had such issue and my status ID was provided.
Facebook ID: … 449?stream ref=1
So, the bold number is the Facebook status ID on which I needed as my likes as possible.
Now, simply paste it on the site after you submit the Token and the Autolike button.
That is all you need for the hacking to come into effect. Take a look at your Facebook status, you will be amazed at the number of likes you are getting already.
NB: Using one site for this trick will help you get between 50 and 100 likes, but doing it with the whole sites as mentioned will help you get thousands of likes.
Cautions on Making Auto Like on Facebook
When learning how to make auto like on Facebook, there are always some cautions and precautions you should know. With several examples of platforms where one can get auto-like services, let me tell you why you must never go for that. Inasmuch as everyone would want to gain some more popularity, it is always better to do things the normal way or at most go for marketing campaigns. But who would want to pay for a marketing campaign for a mere Facebook profile?
For one reason, it is not safe. Every app that helps you get likes, has unrestricted access to your Facebook account. This gives them access to post anything they wish to post whenever they wish to do so on your timeline without your consent. These apps can also send texts or post to your Facebook friends.
So you end up damaging your reputation. Even if you are one of those people who do not care about their online reputations, you wouldn't want your own friends to stop associating with your posts and content because they are becoming more and more spams with the continuous auto-generated likes, comments and posts. So basically, increasing your likes with apps ends up robbing you of the reputation you enjoy among your friends and colleagues.
Inasmuch as it feels cool to get about 1000 likes on your profile, people you have on your friends list will find it very ridiculous since you only have 400 friends. This will also make you look like a cheat to all your friends.
Another danger that comes with signing up with these apps is that it will not only spam your friends, but spam people from other parts of the world, even people you are not connected to in any way. This spammy reputation will keep increasing while your Facebook ranking decreases to the point where Facebook is forced to block your account.
How to Unlike All Pages on Facebook
Now that you have learnt how to make auto like on Facebook, you may also want to know how to unlike someone. Liking several pages on Facebook will fill your news feed with posts, which makes seeing the status updates of your friends quite difficult. The unlike tool on Facebook will enable you clean up your news feed and improve your overall news feed experience.
There is a limit to the number of Facebook accounts you are allowed to like with a single account. The limit is 5000 pages per account, and once you reach this limit, you can't like new pages unless you unlike some old ones. To remove those liked pages from your Facebook account, the Facebook unlike feature is most ideal for this.
Using the Facebook unlike tool is quite easy. Just follow the steps outlined below:
First, you must download and then install the Facebook social toolkit from chrome online store , and sign into your Facebook account.
Click on the Facebook Social Toolkit icon to start the app.
Click on the unlike all pages icon and then click on the OK icon. Watch the video below for more information: