Topic: How do I clean white skin
One of the most difficult things that we face in our daily and practical life is the issue of cleaning the things that are covered with white leather, or things whose texture and structure are made of white leather. Scratches, cracks, and dirt attached to furniture, clothes, bags, shoes and the like are evil and something that cannot be escaped.
Because white leather due to its transparent and clear nature of color does not leave a space on it no matter how narrow it is unless it is clear and visible, so dealing with hiding defects and dirt on it became much more difficult than what we can suffer with leather colored other than white
However, at the present time, and with discoveries, preparations, and the accumulation of experiences, dealing with it has become easier than it was in the past. In fact, it became easy to deal with it, as it is to deal with other colors.
Methods for cleaning white skin
Using a household cleanser known as Jeff: Using it, we can get rid of the dirt stuck in the skin only, but it does not help to get rid of cracks and scratches, and the method of using it is to apply a tissue paper or a piece of soft cloth or a soft transparent shoe brush with an appropriate amount of it, then start rubbing The place of dirt on the surface of the leather, then we wipe it again with a clean piece of cloth or a soft transparent shoe brush
Please be careful not to overdo this process permanently and continuously; Because recurrence works on dulling the skin and losing its vitality, and then it becomes flabby or dry and worn out with the passage of time.
There are many preparations for cleaning the dirt stuck on white leather, and they are available in the market under several brand names, and almost all of them perform the required task well in general.
As for the cases of cracks and scratches, which become a suitable area for picking up and absorbing dirt because it has a frictional, rough nature and texture, unlike the skin, regular cleaning powders will not find a successful solution to this problem, so it has become available in the market white paints in the form of a spray.
It contains gum arabic in its components, and with a slight spray on the site of the scratch and crack, the white paint saturated with gum arabic will fill the dirty cavities, making it hard to distinguish between the scratched site and the other healthy parts with the naked eye.
There is a popular method that can be used by means available in most homes, and this method is by mixing a little baby powder with a little starch with a little sodium bicarbonate - cooking carbonate - and mixing the texture with the juice of a spoonful of lemon and a spoonful of milk, stirring the mixture well, and leaving some Time until it thickens, and then we rub the dirty and scratched parts of the skin, and patience until it dries, then repeat the process three or four times, and we will find that the dirt has disappeared and with it the cracks as well.
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طريقة تنظيف الموكيت الثابت في المنزل
طريقة تنظيف الحمام الافرنجي
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