Topic: How can I publish a book after I've finished writing it?

You've finished your writing. I'm curious whether this is your first draught. If that's the case, you're not finished yet. That's not even close. Have you gone over the jumble you wrote and edited it? Has it been professionally evaluated, beta-read, and edited? If not, you haven't completed the task. Don't even consider sending it to an agency until you've completed all of the preceding steps.

You're a new writer, based on the question. Do you even know if your work is good enough to send to an agency or a publisher? Most likely not. Do you understand the distinction between showing and telling? What is the definition of good writing? Is it better to use a passive or active voice? What exactly is a conflict? What distinguishes an excellent scene? buy a cheap essay online

Re: How can I publish a book after I've finished writing it?

When writer think that he is professional in book writing & editing then I suggest him to do it by own. But if not then hire any agency because people love perfection and professional work. To save your time I suggest a company who can do all the things from book writing to publishing if you guys want professionalism then go for it.