Topic: Warning about the dangers of whitening creams
Dermatologists warn consumers to avoid using face creams. Cream that does not specify a registered number, illegal cream, cream containing harmful substances such as mercury, hydroquinone. and vitamin A acid Because of the potential for allergic reactions, permanent melasma, affecting the nervous system, liver and kidneys, and there is a risk of crippling the baby.
The popularity of having white skin has increased. as well as the current cosmetic sales Both direct sales and online cosmetics are increasing. There are people entering this market easier and more. causing the smuggling of mercury in cosmetics to treat melasma, dark spots or make the skin white again. And it is extremely dangerous because mercury poisoning affects many systems of the body. Mercury is not a new hazardous substance that has recently been used in Thai society. In the past 20-30 years, mercury used to be the number one hazardous substance in cosmetics used in Thailand. by popularly mixed in a cream known as “Pearl Cream”, however. when the state becomes more strict As a result, these mercury creams have lost their popularity and are known in the narrow circle or in the underground market.
According to a study by the Institute of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, which examined 420 samples of harmful substances in cosmetics from patients submitted for testing and from trading through flea markets and online markets between 2018 and 2019, it was found that those products (mostly called “Whitening Cream”) contains 25 percent of harmful substances, that is, in every 4 cartridges, 1 cartridge will be found. Mercury is the most common hazardous substance, followed by hydroquinone. and vitamin A acid
Major toxic effects of mercury on the body
1. Skin toxicity Although mercury has a decreasing effect on the pigment. But found that it can cause allergic reactions. if used long term will make the skin thinner Increased black spots on the skin, permanent melasma or in some places will cause permanent skin spots.
2. Neurotoxicity cause a tremor Peripheral neuropathy Impaired balance, seizures, depression, or hallucinations can occur.
3. Liver and kidney toxicity cause hepatitis and long-term nephritis
4. Blood poisoning cause anemia
5. If used during pregnancy Mercury is absorbed into the baby. And there is a risk of cerebral palsy and mental retardation.
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