Topic: Final Fantasy XIV Gil Guide As a Culinarian

To be honest, you have difficulty find out how you can get more gil as a guest. It is known that the Chinese have the lowest refraction potential of a single object in the hands of all younger. More importantly, you need to get really good profits, upgrade botanists and fishermen or feel the anger of high quality prices. However, what the Colombians lack high-priced individual pieces, they do more than making the resistance of sales. That is, your goal is to bring a large number of objects to every person, not a single expensive object for someone with deep pockets. Here you will find everything you need to know to earn more Gil in Final Fantasy XIV.

How to earn more Gil in Final Fantasy XIV as Columbus Road

The best way to earn more Gil in Final Fantasy XIV is to go to the latest battles / crafts to collect meals for people, to raise the citrus peelers, to provide HQ for duties and quests in the province of Cornish and of course supplies for to deliver what is not in the market board. Here you will find a detailed explanation as you can earn more Gil in Final Fantasy XIV.

New patches and chin losses

What makes every player when a new patch comes out? Well, Raider (players in the End Game Scramble Content Set) will search for the current bis (Best Slot). That means you want to buy new armor, weapons, materials and food! Here you come into the game. By ensuring that your equipment is maximally aligned, it can be made and controlled by materials and other means, and if a new patch comes, you are ready to build as much fighting food as possible. Most players who play combat content will buy expensive HQ items, especially at the beginning, but there are also many players who can not afford them (or do not need) and instead buy the cheaper regular or NQ versions .

Apart from plunderers, craftsmen and collectors are looking for a medium to high quality after food to improve their craft skills or collect. You also want to try new things, so check if your recipe book can offer you something.

Remember that your prices at the beginning of the patch are quick and then normalize over time. As mentioned earlier, you should not only sell a single item, but focus on diversity and offering the best struggles to produce and collect foods. Most recipes give three articles per craft, so make sure how people buy them. Craftsman can buy 99 stack of food while Raiders may need only 10 (300 minutes). Do not just ignore the food from earlier patches, just because new enthusiasm has been added, that does not mean that the old and broken does not still reliably and desires.

Help for newcomers

However, if the final name is reached, it is easy to ignore new players, and that's a recipe for failure. Hello. Belonging aside, new players will not use food for their statistics, but they will certainly read walkthroughs and reddit to find the fastest way to upgrade. Currently, the transition is over Guilvleves and Grand. In addition, most new players in the market committee are looking for the food they need to give them for their ChininfiFa quest, where you can actually earn a few decent gil.

Take a look at the guest tasks on the official website to find out what you can do to help the newcomers. Check the exact number of meals or ingredients collected in several rounds and for sale at current prices. For most donations, you have to turn three nines around, so make this amount and stack them so that players are likely to be tempted to buy them. 99 is a larger number and means a bigger money rain for you, but most people who hold the balance can not afford to buy them. This method is particularly suitable for most craft professions that are automatically raised as soon as you reach 80 or more, as they are over 10 levels. It is a ban on smart bugs.

Filling the supplies in gear 9 9

Finally, it is important to check the market committee under "Meals and Ingredients" to determine if the quantity is low (one to three models in stock) or not. The re-import of articles without competition is a great way to achieve fair prices and profits at least for a while, and you will be the only competition in the city.