Topic: Behaviors that make office syndrome worse   

People with office syndrome often have back pain, shoulder pain, locked fingers, muscle inflammation. Including numbness in the hands and fingertips, which many people have different ways to alleviate the symptoms, but did you know that some methods that we do without knowing it? May make our office syndrome symptoms worse than before. Today, let's take a look at what behaviors that prevent office syndrome from disappearing. Plus, it may make the symptoms worse than before.

3 Behaviors That Make Office Syndrome Heavier

1. Take medicine without caution
     Many people have back pain and shoulder pain. Office syndrome aggravated and took painkillers and muscle relaxants. because I hope that this kind of pain can be healed When symptoms recur, take this drug again. But did you know that taking these painkillers has some precautions as well? Like paracetamol, it can affect the liver. And do not take paracetamol continuously for more than 5 days.
     As for NSAIDs, which are anti-inflammatory painkillers that relieve pain better than paracetamol. But the most common side effect of these drugs is stomach irritation. Therefore, do not take this group of drugs on an empty stomach. and do not eat continuously for a long time because it may be at risk of gastritis stomach ulcer It can also affect the liver as well.

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2. Pain relief massage
     The symptoms of office syndrome can cause us to have back pain and shoulder pain. Massage is another way to relieve office syndrome symptoms. But it is important that we only massage with a physical therapist or specialist. and must use a massage to relieve mild pain Because if the masseuse is not skilled enough, the massage is too intense. It will be able to destroy the muscles or cause damage to the nerves that feed the muscles around it. For example, if we go to massage the shoulders Arm massage with an unskilled person It may cause us to inflame more and result in us not lifting our arms. The scapula protrudes more than before. which instead of pain relief turned out to be heavier than before

3. Leave it chronic.
     Many times Office Syndrome relapses and goes away on its own. Many people with this disease do not pay attention to treatment, which is actually the symptoms of Office Syndrome. It is a pain caused by the use of the muscles in that area for a long time, which if we do not treat these inflamed muscles, it will look like a fascia attached to the muscles. Especially if we do not change our lifestyle or do not treat the cause. It will eventually become a chronic disease. Or some people may affect personality. Including these pains can also affect your mental health with it.