Topic: Organic Cosmetics - Reasons to Switch

Let's take a look at cosmetics and beauty products. Specifically, the differences between organic cosmetics and regular make up. I believe there are many reasons for us to take a serious look at the use of all natural and organic cosmetics as a method for achieving a greener planet.

We spend millions of dollars every year in the U.S. alone, on various cosmetic and skin care products. How many of us truly understand the impact these products have on our planet? How many of us even have a clue what is in all of those tubes, bottles, and compacts? An even better question, what about the impact those ingredients have on our bodies? If you think about it, everything you apply to your skin is absorbed. That means that all of those nasty chemicals that you find in most cosmetics, are being absorbed into your bloodstream, and everything we take in affects us.fabricant produits cosmétiques bio

Many of the cosmetics on shelves in stores today are full of petroleum based products, various parabens, and a whole barrage of other foreign ingredients you have to have a chemical degree to pronounce. Many of these ingredients have been outlawed in Canada because they have been linked to cancers and other diseases. This means it is time to wake up ladies. If Canada thinks this stuff is harmful enough to force manufacturers to remove it from their products, then we should be taking this into serious consideration.

There are many simple changes that we can make in the cosmetic products that we buy that would make it a more eco-friendly purchase. For example, buying products that offer refills results in less waste in our landfills. Another environmental choice would be to purchase products in recyclable containers. These small changes in our buying habits will have an impact on the amount of waste we produce, but I am not so sure that alone is sufficient.

I believe that the change we need to make is to purchase organic cosmetics instead. True, they can be a little more costly than traditional make-up, but well worth it when you consider the overall reduction in the impact the product has on our planet. Certified organic cosmetics automatically have a lower footprint simply because of the difference in the way it is made. Organic cosmetics are generally plant based, and those plants are usually grown organically as well. This means they are grown without the use of pesticides, insecticides, or herbicides. There are no toxic chemicals added during processing, and the packaging is most often made from recycled material as well.

I hope this has shed a little bit of light on the benefits of choosing organic cosmetic products, and has been useful in helping you to make a more eco-friendly decision. If we each make small changes, together we can make a large impact.