Topic: What is spiritual awakening?

What exactly is spiritual awakening? It is described as an awakening to a higher, spiritual level. It is also commonly referred to as enlightenment, liberation, or aliveness. The word is frequently used in Western culture, particularly in a spiritual context, but is also utilized in several other contexts, most significantly in the Buddhist context. It typically translates various Buddhist terms and ideas, most significantly bodhi, satori, and moksha.

When you begin your spiritual awakening, you will have a profound sense of oneness that radiates from and within you. You may also begin to experience some feelings of being like all or part of everything, like a million suns shining simultaneously, a feeling so complete that you may feel your body becoming like a perfect temple made of gold. Each experience is uniquely yours, yet you will associate with all of them because they are connected to your higher power. These experiences are a sign that you are beginning the spiritual journey called enlightenment.

On your spiritual journey, you will learn many things, including how to: transform fear, generate courage, experience a sense of oneness, achieve spiritual awakening, and develop your intuition. The first two steps are the easiest to achieve and don't require much effort; however, the last two, intuition and insight, require a more direct path toward the goal. Intuition is your ability to recognize potential issues and problems before they arise. Insight, on the other hand, pertains to "knowing" what is necessary for you to do in order to achieve your goals. Both are vital as you make your spiritual journey, so if you haven't developed either one of them, you are probably headed for failure. Master the skills and techniques that will help you to succeed in achieving your goals by learning more about the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Jim Rohn.