Topic: Get to know Over training, the madness of running that makes your form

“The more you exercise, the stronger you become.”

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Dr. Jordan D. Metz discusses how to identify – and recover from – running by world runners. that long-distance runners, such as running a marathon who practice running beyond the limit Tends to experience overtraining This affects the health and wellness of their organism. And the mind with the variability in hormone levels.

If we want to be healthy and develop running. Should divide training, eating and rest appropriately. To allow the body to train, develop and repair properly will have to face the symptoms of fatigue already Because if exercise is not tired, it means that it is not developed. This develops when you practice slightly beyond your body's abilities. then come back to rest Repair worn out muscles and systems and keep training. until I feel that my body can accept the same intensity without being tired like before Then you will be able to gain more and more weight.

Causes of overtraining

Exercising too hard and for too long Or concentrate more than the body can accept.
Lack of nutrients, eating less food, not enough for energy
not enough rest overdo the body

Symptoms indicate that you may be experiencing exercise.

In fact, symptoms are difficult to notice because they are caused by many factors. Not just hard training but may not rest enough Physically I feel tired all the time. I can't run like I used to run We should keep an eye on how many days a week we train. How many days do you practice lightly? On what day do you arrange a rest day? Some people think that running is worse because we are not fit. In fact, we may be in a state of overtraining.