Topic: Solve the doubts. Why can a prop gun kill someone?

Although the gun is made upxo walletof blank lead-free ammunition. But there are still many factors that can harm the cast or crew.

On October 22, 2021, after receiving news of a tragic accident on the set of the movie Rust, in which the senior actor "Alex Baldwin" fired a prop gun, the crew was director of photography until his death while the film director was injured Many people may ask, The props used in the filming of the movie Can it cause injury or even death?

Alec Baldwin: The Latest Filming Accident and the Loss of Rising Star Photo Director
What is a prop gun?
Prop gun or Prop Gun refers to the gun used in the show. From filming to movies, TV shows, to stage plays. There are replica guns and real guns. Model guns are usually toy guns that are decorated to look like the real thing. Or a gas gun uses a gas pad to cause noise and smoke when firing.

As for real guns, there are two types: guns that are modified to carry only Blank ammunition or ammunition with only the casing and gunpowder without lead. with real guns without any modifications but loaded with blank ammunition

The reason for the use of real guns for the show It's because of realism by "Dave Brown", a gun instructor. According to a 2019 Filming With Firearms article published in American Cinematographer magazine, the use of a real gun in the setting provides a realistic look in detail, weight and grip. hold, especially in close-up scenes

However, the use of real spins for performances requires rigorous professional supervision. Because even blank bullets without lead heads It can cause serious harm.

The dangers of prop guns
The danger of using real guns, both modified and unmodified, is caused by the blanks. Because even this ammunition does not have a lead head. Instead, other materials, such as lumps of paper, plastic, felt, or cotton, are often used in place of the lead to keep the gunpowder from flowing from the casing and to help the muzzle sparks close to that of a live shot.

However, even these materials are much softer and lighter than lead. including ejecting from the muzzle only a short distance before falling to the ground But with the pressure of a gunpowder explosion, if a creature is too close to the muzzle, it can be fatal.

For example, the death of “Jon-Eric Hexum” in 1984, while queuing to film a CBS TV show, Hexum picked up a revolver and loaded a blank. and shoot himself in the head imitating Russian roulette Causing the material instead of the bullet and the pressure that ejected from the muzzle hit until the skull cracked. and died the next day while being hospitalized.