Topic: Shedding a Little Light on Your Contracting Business - Ordering Wholes

The news about the economy continues to make the world seem a dark place. Property values continue to drop as homeowners have less and less disposable income to spend on sprucing up the house. Contractors can be expensive, so home and property owners are learning how to "do-it-yourself." However, the cost of fixtures and the skill for many home improvement projects may continue to be prohibitive. As a contractor, you will want to market yourself as the one who can meet the customer's needs while staying within their budget.

One way to possibly increase a home's value while saving money in the current market may be as simple as updated lighting. Replacing lights with ceiling fans, or installing energy efficient lighting fixtures can make a huge difference in not only the value of the home, but also cost savings for the current home owner. As a contractor, you can get these fixtures from a wholesale supplier at a fraction of the cost you would pay for those supplies from a local distributor.