Topic: What is Microsoft Stream?
What Is Microsoft Stream?
Microsoft Stream is a cloud-based service that allows businesses to upload, share and manage videos in a controlled and secure way.
How Does It Work And What Does It Offer?
To get started, all you need is your work email address. After getting a verification email and entering the required information, you’re good to go.
Once you’re logged in, you will be able to see trending videos inside your organization, as well as browse videos, channels, and groups. You have control over your content through creating a watchlist which allows you to do the following:
add videos
like and comment on videos
share videos with your co-workers
follow channels
create your own channels to which you can upload your video content.
Channels do not intrinsically allow you to control access to your videos unless a channel is contained within a group, in which case it would inherit the access and permissions of the group. A company-wide channel allows anyone following your channel to get updated whenever new content is posted. You can also identify whom you’d like to allow to add and remove videos from it. In a group channel, the number of viewers as well as contributors is limited. Plus, have control over whether your group channel is viewed publicly or only as a private group. By being able to restrict access, you can protect sensitive content as needed. With all of these controls at video level, you aren’t just controlling who can see your video, but also who can own and edit it, and which groups and channels it will be displayed in.
Another area of vital use is the search functionality in Microsoft Stream. As videos are transcribed in Microsoft Stream, you cannot only search for the title or description of a video but also on the actual word content of the video itself. By clicking on any line of the transcript you can view and listen to the relevant content from there onwards.
When editing your own videos, you can add subtitles or captions during or after the upload. There is also the possibility of using automatically generated captions through Automatic Speech Recognition technology. You can even edit the captions if you come across any caption errors.
Your videos can be uploaded in most file formats and viewed on all devices from anywhere, anytime. As default storage, Microsoft Stream provides you with 500GB and an additional 0.5GB of storage per licensed user. If you need more, increased storage can be purchased as one or more storage add-ons at 500GB each.